EST. 1974
A family organization that promotes prospecting, rock hunting, camping and good fellowship.
Membership Cost: $50.00 for the 1st year, $35.00 for every subsequent year.
Membership fees are due and payable on January 1st of every year. If dues are not paid in full by March 30th of the current year, membership will be suspended and the slot will be filled by a guest on the waiting list. If you lose your membership in the APA and want to rejoin, you will be moved to the end of the standby list.
* Membership in the APA is currently limited to 115 members, and our membship is full at this time. If the membership list is full, you are welcome to request to be placed on our standby list.
* All new and prospective new members must have a sponsor from an active member in good standing. Upon availability the new prospective member will fill out an application form and be interviewed by the membership committee. **This can only currently be done at an offical meeting or outing.
* Upon approval and payment of membership fees, a map packet will be presented or emailed and a member badge will be ordered.
* All folks young and old are still welcome to attend our monthly membership meetings and join us at our outings to see what we are all about. However, non members cannot participate in contests or mine on any of the APA's claims.